The Sikhs Against Hate Book is a collection of writings from my thesis paper. The design reflects the process of the thesis exploration, a segmented book with multiple 8 panel zine sections. The sections come in an acrylic bookcase with a puzzle style construction. The idea was to engage the audience to eventually open each section to reveal posters on the back for more context. The experience intended for the audience is similar to my own journey through this thesis; The act of being vulnerable and putting pieces of this puzzle together to find my interest, problem and a possible solution.

The 6 individual book sections

Check out the individual book sections, here :)

Front and back of the acrylic bookcase for the "Sikhs Against Hate" writing.

Posters in the back of the sections to reveal more context and visual narratives around the section.

© Ravleen Kaur
Thesis- Graphic Design as a tool for social change:  Using visual experience as media to educate, through the narratives of Sikh community in the U.S. | Winter 2022

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